Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Evaluation Question 7

This is my first copy of the prelim task, this is the most basic of tasks as it is only the footage with no use of editing.

This is the second copy of the prelim task, this is the same as the first one however the camera man has broken the 180 degree rule.

This is the second last version of the prelim task as this time I have included a title preset which I found within final cut pro.

This is the final and arguably the best version of the prelim task as it includes a variety of editing techniques and effects such as sound fx.

I personally have had limited experience with filming, I had never used DSLR cameras, tripods or final cut pro x. I was unaware of the features in which these technologies had and was unaware in how to exploit these features in order to sustain a professional and high standard film and therefore attain a good grade. I was unaware of some of the terminology used in the course such as the 180 degree rule and shot reverse shot. However I was accustomed to the use of low, high angles and close up shots etc. The fact that I hadn’t taken any subjects such as photography or art before inhibited my ability in using the photography equipment in comparison to other members of my class who some had even jobs in this field of work.

Pre the production of our prelim we were briefly introduced to the technical equipment such as the DSLR camera. We were then instructed on how to work the camera in its basic form and were navigated around the different features of the equipment including things such as the level of aperture and the zoom function.

The prelim task was a continuity task where we had to film a character opening a door, walking across the room, sitting down with them and having a conversation. This task enabled us to put the 180 degrees rule and shot reverse shot to the test to give us a better understanding of these terms. We were told to follow the 180 degrees rule but also break it in order for us to see the impact of the rule not being followed. Once we had retained our footage it was down to us individually to edit it these using Final Cut Pro X. We made four different edits: prelim basic, breaking the 180 degree rule, prelim with titles and prelim with SFX and titles. This was the first time we were introduced to final cut so generally people were quite apprehensive as this was a professional piece of software. For this process we only really needed to use the simple tools such as the cut and select tools so this was a pretty easy task. We then transferred the footage from the SD card to the desktop and then imported it into final cut.  

Our planning was minimal for the preliminary task as we had only created a basic story board but we had no screenplay or shot list to follow.  We didn't use any props or a cast as we used the people who weren't filming. Also we stayed in the same location so no planning was needed there. For our second preliminary task of creating a film opening we decided to recreate Paddy Consindine’s social realism film, tyrannosaur produced by warp films. I believe this is a good choice as our film opening is also of the social realist genre and it added to the research into our genre and the conventions attached to creating an opening of a social realism film. Our task was to recreate the opening but in an opposite way, For example the man in the film is of a working class background who is also of a nasty and criminal nature. The version we re-created portrayed a man of upper class tendencies whilst following the behaviour of the star in the film. This also allowed us to use the technologies and the methods of creating a professional film opening. This allowed us to therefore practice using the equipment involved and allowed us to use this effectively. From doing this we were able to encounter any problems in which we might face later on with our final cut of our film opening. This allowed us to work around these problems and successfully avoid them whilst creating our own film. We were also able to use the software for editing which is final cut pro and we were again allowed time to practice using it which allowed us to avoid any obstacles  or problems later on with our final production. We attempted this task before hand and failed miserably. This is due to the fact that we did not plan as a group and there were no assigned roles with regards to anything during the preparation and the production. This has therefore taught me that in order to produce a professional and good piece of work. Planning is hugely necessary in order to achieve this. Planning documents such as: storyboards, call sheets and screenplays are essential in completing this work to a good standard.

I believe that from this task I have learnt that research and preparation are vital parts in ensuring success with regards to professionalism and attaining a good grade in this course. From this task I have also learnt the features and uses of using the key terminologies involved in this course and also with using the equipment and software in order to be efficient and professional with my work.