We have decided to go for a 15+ BBFC rating as it enables us to include all the necessary content we need to make our film good and it allows the biggest range of audience suitable, to watch the movie providing them not to be offended or distressed from the scenes. I have retrieved the following criteria from the British Board of Film Classification Website:
What might I see in a 15 rated film or video?
Any of the following:
- strong violence
- frequent strong language (e.g. 'f***').
- portrayals of sexual activity
- strong verbal references to sex
- sexual nudity
- brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal references to sexual violence
- discriminatory language or behaviour
- drug taking

The above criteria is what we believe our film falls into allowing there to be clear distinction to who can watch this movie or not.
In terms of our primary target audience, we have decided to go for the age range of about 15-30. The film is more likely to be intended for a male audience, however with the added bits in regarding relationships and emotional attachment it might also cater for a female audience within this age category. The audience will be expecting from the nature of the film a hard hitting moral providing film which creates a sense of understanding of the working class societies embedded in todays Britain. The audience will be expecting an emotional rollercoaster which will hook them immensely to the film allowing them to truly explore the themes and ideas being represented.
In terms of our secondary target audience we are intending this film towards the older population of 30+ as we believe that many adults will enjoy watching our movie due to the adult and mature films it will present. Also I believe that within this group of people not all will want to watch our movie therefore we have made the decision in not marketing it directly to them as it would not be financially efficient.
Ethnically this film will contain a cast from a variety of backgrounds and cultures. Therefore this will cater for a range of culturally diverse people expanding the potential audience even further than intended.
We will market this film according to the primary target audience of 15-30 years olds. We will market this film through means of social media which is heavily used by people of this age group especially which will therefore stimulate a level of awareness of the film itself. Also in terms of marketing I believe that already film fanatics will be suitable for the viewing, therefore I believe that advertisements on T.V will be effective in increasing awareness of the film. In order to attract our potential viewers we will need tho use things such as trailers to entice the viewer. The use of reviews also allow people to make an opinion on your film once it is backed by someone else.
I believe that we will need to represent the themes and ideologies which our target audience can potentially relate to. For example with regards to social class, our film explores both working and middle class lives which will allow people from both demographic social groups to internally relate to this. We have placed emphasis on this through the use of many factors. For example we chose specific locations to add emphasis in situations such as the houses used at the start of each introduction of the character to demonstrate the contrast between the two lives. We also used a tunnel which was full of graffiti to try signify the working class element of the film. We also used nice parks and walkways to help express the extent of the older mans middle class lifestyle. In terms of props and costumes, we followed the stereotypes closely with regards to social class. For example Kieran was portrayed in an Adidas tracksuit which signified clearly the socio-economic background in which he belonged to. Also with regards to Mike's outfit he was seen as being dressed in nice, smart clothes which connote a level of affluence.
I believe that we will need to represent the themes and ideologies which our target audience can potentially relate to. For example with regards to social class, our film explores both working and middle class lives which will allow people from both demographic social groups to internally relate to this. We have placed emphasis on this through the use of many factors. For example we chose specific locations to add emphasis in situations such as the houses used at the start of each introduction of the character to demonstrate the contrast between the two lives. We also used a tunnel which was full of graffiti to try signify the working class element of the film. We also used nice parks and walkways to help express the extent of the older mans middle class lifestyle. In terms of props and costumes, we followed the stereotypes closely with regards to social class. For example Kieran was portrayed in an Adidas tracksuit which signified clearly the socio-economic background in which he belonged to. Also with regards to Mike's outfit he was seen as being dressed in nice, smart clothes which connote a level of affluence.
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